As a group game, play Cross the Nile! Place the ‘Nile Tile’ sheets (with John 3:16 on them) on the ground and have the kids cross the river by putting their foot on each piece. Each time they put their foot on a new tile, they should say the word (or words) on the tile. The object is to get ALL of the students across.
CHALLENGE: After they’ve done it once, have them do this challenge version. Once a student has stepped on a tile, they may not take their foot off until another student puts their foot on that tile. IF THEY REMOVE THEIR FOOT SO THAT NO ONE IS TOUCHING THE TILE, the group leader(s) should remove the offending tile… now they must cross without it! (It is recommended that you put the removed tile with the next tile in the river, so that they can still remember to say the whole verse!)
Each Nile Tile sheet should have only ONE LINE from the following on it (for example, the first sheet has only "For God" on it):
For God
so loved
the whole
world that
He gave
His one
and only
Son, that
believes in
Him shall
not perish
but have
eternal life.
John 3:16