A 'game' that could be used as a lead-in to an Exploration on Ruth.
Follow the Leader Game
Ruth followed Naomi, and followed God.
Who should we follow? Cut out the following notes. Give each child one of the notes and have them (or a teacher helper) read what is on their paper to the class when it's that student's turn. The kids can decide... will they follow that person, or not? If they do, they should follow them around the room while the verse song plays (or other item is reviewed). If not, they should sing the verse song or review the item where they are while the other child marches around alone (or with the teacher-helper). You're welcome to discuss their responses and ask what the Bible says about it.
Alternate Rules: Have the children go to one side of the room if they would follow the person and the other if they wouldn't.
I'm going to Church to learn the Bible!
I'm going to Church to throw things at people!
I'm going to love someone that's really hard to love!
I'm going to make fun of somebody!
I'm going to be mean to an animal!
I'm going to feed someone that is hungry!
I'm going to read the Bible!
I'm going to obey my parents!
I'm going to do things to make my parents angry!
I'm going to do the things like Ruth did!
I'm going to try to trick somebody into giving me their things!
I'm going to talk mean about somebody to one of my friends!
I'm going to say kind things to someone!
I'm going to write a story about Jesus!
I'm going to go wild in the church building!
I'm going to love my teachers by obeying them!
I'm going to love Jesus by loving others!
I'm going to be thankful for what I have!
I'm going to whine about what I don't have or what I want!
I'm going to play kind with my friends and share!
If you know Scripture that pertains to each item, you can use that to help the students reevaluate their decision after they've made it, and thus reinforce the idea that God's Word informs how we live.