Here's a picture from Distant Shores Media and Sweet Publishing that we've used to represent this week.
Here's our Noah outline we used in our church for this week to give the Genesis account of the Flood:
Noah’s Story
After the time of the Fall of Man, people became more and more evil in the sight of God. In fact, there came a time when everything people thought of was only evil, all the time! And God was sorry that He had made mankind! He decided to destroy all that was evil on the earth.
However, there was one man named Noah who was different from all the other people on the earth. He was righteous.
God told Noah, “I am going to wipe everything evil off of the face of the earth with a Great Flood!” But God wanted to save Noah, his family, and some animals on the earth to start over.
God told Noah, “Make a huge boat out of gopher wood, sealed with tar. Make decks and places for animals throughout the ship. Make this ark 450 feet long, 75 feet with, and forty feet high. It must have lower, middle, and upper decks, a door on the side, and a window on top.”
Noah tried to warn other people nearby about the flood that was coming. He tried to convince them that they needed to join him on the Ark or they would die!
“Unless you stop doing the bad things you are doing and turn to God, you will be destroyed!” he said. How do you think the people answered Noah? They didn’t believe him! They might have laughed or made fun of him! This grieved Noah and made him sad in his heart, but he could not convince them to join him on the Ark!
Noah and his sons worked and worked… for 120 years! People used to live much longer than they do today, and Noah started work on the Ark when he was 600 years old!
Would it have been hard for them to work so hard for so long while people made fun of them and didn’t believe them? But they knew that they needed to obey God.
Finally, they were done. The sounds of the hammer and the saw and the crane stopped. God sent two of every kind of creature and seven of every kind of clean animal into the Ark with Noah and his family. He would save them all from what was coming.
God told Noah and his family to go into the Ark. When they were inside, God closed the door. Seven days passed… and then the earth shook and God opened the great fountains of the deep… and the water came.
Do you think the people believed Noah now that God was going to punish their sin? They did, but it was too late. Do you think that Noah was glad that he believed God? (Insert message of Salvation.)
The world rained for forty days and forty nights, and the world was covered in the deep waters of the Flood. How would you have felt on a big boat with so many animals?
After 150 days on the water, the Ark rested on the mountains of Ararat. Noah sent out a raven to see if it was okay to leave… I’ll bet he REALLY wanted to leave, don’t you? The raven returned. It wasn’t time.
Seven days later, Noah sent out a dove. She came back.
Seven days later, another dove was sent and came back with an olive branch in her beak.
Seven more days later, the dove was sent and didn’t return. It was time to leave the ark!
I’ll bet all the animals were EXCITED to leave the Ark! Roarings, and growlings, and mewings, and chirpings, and hissings, and sniffings, and squeakings, and jumpings, and neighings, and barkings… all at once! They were excited to explore a brand new world!
Noah and his family made an altar and sacrificed a lamb on it to thank God for saving them.
God told them that the animals would now fear them, and that people could eat meat, and that we should fill the earth. God also made a promise that He would never again flood the earth, and He put a rainbow in the clouds as a sign of His promise to us.