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Mentoring with Bible Quest

Writer's picture: Nathan KingNathan King

Proverbs 22:6 - "Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it." (KJV)


Parents and mentors have the biggest and best jobs in Bible Quest! They have at least three roles: tutor, teacher, and coach.


First, they have the joy of tutoring their students in learning Scripture and Biblical knowledge during the Equip Phase. Bible Quest includes resources for this:

  • Recorded Scripture memory songs can be played when in transit in a car, or before bedtime, during activities, whenever!

  • The “Bible Quest Review Card Game” can be used to review Bible Quest material to aid with memorization.

  • The maps that are included in the Old Testament or New Testament curriculum books can be used to review geography and can even be reproduced for games or to serve as placemats and discussion material during mealtimes at home!

  • Bible Quest includes review games and activities as well as printed lists of all Equip Phase questions and answers included in the Appendices.

  • Timeline materials are also included as tools to teach Biblical chronology through games and activities.

Utilize these resources to create learning environments for God’s Word. Memorize, then review, review, review!


Second, parents and mentors are teachers. As such, they can hold discussions with their students. Beginning Bible Quest instructors and those with younger students can simply seek God’s Word when children pose difficult questions. Even if a student’s query can’t be answered directly, the fact that parents and mentors are trying to find the answer (and are relying on God’s Word rather than their own opinions) will speak volumes to students about the correct way to find answers. Bible Quest provides a “Why?” section in each week’s lesson (each curriculum book contains a complete list of these “Why?” topics) as an additional support. These sections use Scripture and they address tough questions kids ask.

More intentional teaching happens during the Empower and Expedition Phases, allowing parents and mentors teach their students about God’s Word to increase their understanding.


Third, and most important, parents and mentors can supply something that Bible Quest cannot provide on its own: relationship. In this sense, parents and mentors become caring coaches, because God’s Word is not merely letters on a page, but the words of the Living God! He is a Person that we can interact with, and coaches can help their students become more like Him. While coaching can happen all through the Bible Quest process, it is during the Expedition Phase portion of the program that this role shines. As students craft their Expedition projects, parents and mentors can lovingly give direction (including gentle correction) to help students to clearly communicate God's Truth through their projects.


Obviously, coaching requires relationship, and this sort of mentorship is maximized through modeling. The following are tips for parents and mentors:


  • Spend intentional time with your student. Bible Quest merely provides a plan of action for teaching the Scriptures, it does not provide the impetus, relationship, or motivation that are necessary components to real discipleship. Talk about these things when you rise up, when you walk along the way, and when you go to bed.


  • Live for Christ. Be in God's Word, in season and out of season! Pray continually! Rejoice in the Lord always! Take notes during sermons or Bible studies, ask your students what they've learned, and talk about all of these things with them. God has given you the    opportunity to be stewards of some of His precious children here on Earth. It is through the relationship with you that students may have their first understanding of who God is. Your life speaks far more than your words ever could.


  • Show how to respond to negative (and positive!) circumstances. Show how to respond when someone wrongs you by loving the perpetrator with the gracious yet truthful love of Christ. Love your enemies and the unloveable; pray for those that persecute you. Show students how to share with others the insights you gain in your daily Bible study and quiet time. Impact those youngsters in your charge by praying and looking to the Scripture for guidance from the Holy Spirit and God's revealed Word when taking action in tough circumstances.


  • Exhibit real repentance. Show your students what to do when you mess up and react in a way that doesn't reflect Christ through visible repentance. If you never make mistakes, ask God for the humility to see your mistakes so that you can mentor your students honestly, without exasperating them. If mistakes have been made in the past (we have all sinned—Romans 3:23), God’s grace is there (I John 1:9) and these kids will get the opportunity to see real repentance in you as you turn from your past sin and seek Jesus with all your heart.


So, parents and mentors, keep God’s Word always in front of your students! Answer their questions with the best the Scripture has to offer! Live in such a way that your students desire the relationship that you have with Jesus because of the relationship your students have with you!

A Note on Discipleship


Bible Quest is a full program and plan for teaching a high degree of Scriptural knowledge, understanding, and wisdom and is thus a tool for teaching biblical literacy, and that's a great opportunity for discipleship. However, parents and mentors should still work with their students to grow together in Christ in the context of other believers (the Church), with opportunities to love and grow and serve the Kingdom. For a fuller treatment of discipleship, check out this article.

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